Commercial Law

Commercial law, which is regulated in Book 1 of the New Commercial Code No. 6102, is a branch of law that examines all kinds of internal and external relations in terms of traders. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to it’s clients on issues such as transfer, merger and pledge of commercial enterprise, protection of trade name and brand, unfair competition, relations between partners.

Corporate Law

Corporate law, which is regulated in detail in Book 2 of the New Commercial Code No. 6102, is the branch of law that examines the internal and external relations of partnerships which have legal personality. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients on issues such as preparation and amendment of articles of association, cancellation, nullity or absence of general assembly resolutions, validity of board of directors resolutions, liability of board members, terminations of the companies.

Law of Commercial Papers

In New Commercial Code No. 6102 Art. 645, commercial papers defined as "commercial papers are such bills that the rights they contain cannot be claimed separately from the bill, nor can it be transferred to others." As can be understood from the definition, the commercial papers are critical in terms of inculding a right. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients, especially regarding bills of exchange.

Insurance Law

In New Commercial Code No. 6102 Art. 1401, insurance contracts defined as “Insurance contract is a contract in which the insurer undertakes, in return for a premium, to indemnify a loss caused by the realization of the danger (risk) having the result of harming the benefit, quantifiable by money of the related person or to realization of a payment or to answer other performances relying on the lifetime or upon the some events that occur in the throughout lifetime of one or several persons.” KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients, regarding insurance disputes.

Labor Law

Labor law is a branch of law that examines the issues related to working conditions for employees, wages and all kinds of receivables, labor unions and employee-employer relations that arise with the with the signing of the employment contract. KYA Law and Consultancy Office, provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services including the employer's strict responsibilities in terms of employees and third parties, the injury, death and disability of employees, the use and calculation of overtime wages and leave of absence with pay, reemployment, severance and notice pay, and other labor receivables to its clients,

Debt Collection

Debt collection is a branch of law that examines how the debt will be collected if one of the parties that enters into a debt-creating relationship does not pay its debt or pays it incompletely. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients in all kinds of enforcement proceedings, especially in lien, alimony, mortgage and bills of exchange

Medical Malpractice Law

Medical Malpractice Law, which has been implemented in an advanced way especially in USA and Europe, is a branch of law that has been subject to codification in Turkey since 2000. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients in respect of professional responsibilities of physicians.

Contract Law

Contract law is the branch of law that forms the basis of relations between individuals in many areas of daily life. It is an undeniable fact that these relations should be prepared on the right legal basis in order to resolve the disputes that may arise between the parties, both in individual daily life and in commercial life as legal entities. KYA Law and Consultancy Office has a mission to protect the benefits of its clients in the preparation of contracts. In this context, KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients in all types of contracts according to the demands of the clients.

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property law is the branch of law that examines the protection of products with intellectual and economic value and the authority of right holders to benefit from this protection. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients with the rights of the author and related rights within the scope of copyright; patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial design, geographical indications within the scope of industrial property rights.

Personal Data Protection Law

Personal data protection law, which is a relatively new branch of law and has been regulated in detail in various legal texts, especially the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, is a branch of law that examines the rules regarding the processing of personal data of real persons. KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides its clients with academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services, especially regarding how the data should be processed within the framework of the legislation and the legal problems that the data controller will face.

Administrative and Tax Law

In a broad sense, administrative law is the branch of law that examines the legal problems arising in the actions and transactions of the administration. Especially in countries such as Turkey where individuals have intense relations with the state, cases where individuals suffer losses due to the actions of the administration are common. In this context, KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients in all kinds of legal problems that arrise from adminisrational relations between the government and them. In addition, KYA Law and Consultancy Office provides academic and practice-oriented consultancy and advocacy services to its clients in the taxation process of the state or in legal problems that arise during the taxation process.